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Unlike our other supplements, the Fiber Powder formula contains only 1 ingredient: 300 g inulin.

Inulin substance comes from the roots of the chicory plant, known
for its high levels of inulin fibers. Inulin is actually the reserve substance for the plant, which protects it against freezing.

Soluble fiber to add to your RainPharma shake, tea or in your fresh soup.

A scoop of Fiber Powder provides 2.25 grams of fiber.


4 measuring spoons per day, which corresponds to 10 grams. You can obtain this dose by adding 1 measuring spoon each time to your favorite RainPharma shake, drink or meal.

Wist je dit al?

Nuline fibers belong to the long-chain carbohydrates, more specifically to the group of indigestible carbohydrates. This means that our body cannot digest these substances with its own digestive enzymes and will therefore not absorb them into the blood.

During their transit in the intestines, fibers are fermented by the intestinal flora. Because fibers can attract a lot of moisture, they form a larger, softer mass in the intestines. And because fiber is a source of nutrition for some of our so-called “good bacteria”, they support their existence in the intestinal flora. We find fiber in vegetables, fruit, nuts and grain products.

We do not have the enzyme to break down inulin ourselves. As a result, we cannot digest and absorb this fiber. But in our large intestine, some bacteria from our intestinal flora do have this enzyme. Inulin will serve as nutrition for this group of bacteria, supporting the balance of good bacteria such as bifidobacteria.

The intestinal flora can sometimes become out of balance in various ways. The use of medications such as antibiotics is a common example, but diet and age are also known to be important factors. Bacteria live everywhere on and in our bodies. It is important that the good balances of all these strains are maintained, because science is increasingly clarifying the link and cooperation between the different microbiota in our body.

Providing our skin and body with nutrient-rich nutrients is therefore important for our well-being. During the slimming phase of the Balance Program we temporarily avoid fruit and there is a restriction on some vegetables. We can then supplement any fiber deficiencies with Fiber Powder. The Balance Program is partly supported by taking orthomolecular nutritional supplements.

The active substances in the supplements can only provide an optimal effect if they are properly absorbed by an intestinal wall in good condition. Also consider Daily Boost, in which vitamins A and B2, in addition to their role in maintaining normal skin, also play a role in maintaining healthy mucous membranes in the intestines.


Chicory inulin.

Active ingredients
Active ingredients
Ingredients actives

per 4 measuring spoons
per 4 measuring spoons
par 4 mesurettes

Inulin | Inulin | Inulina


of which Fiber | of which Fibers | dont Fibers Alimentaires | davon Ballaststoffe | de la cual Fibra Alimentaria

9 g

300 ge (120 measuring spoons / measuring spoons / mesurettes)

Store in a dry, dark, cool (< 25° C) place. Use within 3 months after opening.

Rich in fibre, without colourants, without preservatives, without flavourings, without sweeteners, without lactose, gluten-free, suitable for vegetarians and vegans.

AS 1597/12