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Now that the sun is showing its best side again, we bring up our favorite quote again:

Sun protection is the best anti-aging!

Believe it or not, those beneficial rays of sunshine can cause a lot of damage, especially in the long term. That's why we're once again sharing with you our best tips for safely heading into the summer and helping you find the perfect sun protector.

Lubrication tips

  • You will find a weather app on almost every smartphone. This indicates the UV index daily. The Foundation Against Cancer advises to protect yourself from UV index 3.
  • You think you protect yourself well? Perfect! We list the most forgotten places: ear cups, bottom of nose, bottom of chin, feet and hands.
  • Never rub sunscreen on for too long. This exposes bumps and imperfections again and we obviously don't want that.
  • Everyone knows it and yet we say it again: apply every two hours! Due to the production of sweat and facial expressions/movements, the product is no longer evenly distributed and you get parcel formation. Obviously we don't want any gaps in our protection, right?

Which sunscreen for you?

In the land of sun protection we see a lot of different products appearing: from sprays, creams and sticks to powders. There you will find different formulas with different effects. We would like to zoom in on this.

  1. Mineral sun filter
The mineral sun protection, also called physical filters, literally creates a physical barrier on the skin. You can count on 100% reflection of the UVA and UVB sun rays. After application, this cream works immediately.
We always choose a mineral sun protector for people with sensitive eyes, reactive skin, rosacea, sun allergies,... and delicate children's skin. Even the most sensitive skin benefits from these creams.
With mineral filters you often hear talk about a slightly thicker texture and the chance of a white haze after application. Please know that progress is constantly being made in this regard and there are already many pleasant, high-quality products on the market, such as:

Still afraid of the white haze? Mineral sun protection for the face is sometimes tinted to make application and lubrication easier. Think about:

2. Chemical sunscreens

Chemical sun filters protect you from the sun by absorbing UV rays and converting them into heat. Of course you won't notice this. The cream is absorbed into the skin and needs up to half an hour to prepare for the hard work. These sun protectors are ideal for water rats.

There is a lot to read about unsafe chemical filters that disrupt hormones by entering the bloodstream. Fortunately, research also brought us to safe chemical ingredients that do not penetrate deeply and/or do not disrupt hormones, such as octisalate.

3. Hybrid sunscreens

These sunscreens bring the best of both worlds. In general, you can expect very pleasant, easily spreadable creams. These are chemical filters that also reflect some of the UV rays. They also cut and spread the rays. The ingredient 'Tinosorb' is such a hero that is ideal for sensitive skin. You will find these in:

Not yet sure of your choice? Come in and test them out! We are convinced that the right sunscreen for you is the one that you like to apply and therefore reapply again and again throughout the day without aversion.