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6 questions about cleaning your face

In this blog we want to give you an answer to the most common questions we are asked about cleaning your face.
Do you still have additional questions? Feel free to ask us via chat or visit the store.

Why do I need to clean?

The cleaning is really a foundation. Without getting that right first, everything that follows is actually a bit of a waste.

What actually is cleaning and what is the use of it?

By cleansing your face you ensure that all the dirt that has stuck on your face throughout the day is removed. Think of air pollution, make-up, UV protection, air conditioning, fine dust, ... These are all contaminants that can irritate, cover and unbalance your skin if not removed. By cleansing your face correctly you remove all of this and therefore ensure that your care will be able to support your skin much better.

Can I also clean poorly?

Although we would very much like to say no to this, this is absolutely possible. For example, you can clean your skin far too hard and aggressively. Cleaning your skin incorrectly can result in a microbiome, your natural skin barrier, that is completely out of balance and that often shows irritation on your skin such as red spots, subcutaneous nodules, dry spots, ...
So it's absolutely essential to go for a gentle but thorough cleanse that won't throw your microbiome out of balance.

Where should I start when choosing a new cleaner?

We are absolutely in favor of always choosing an oil-based variant as the first cleaner. This is a cleanser that you apply to dry skin. The oils in it melt together with the dirt that has accumulated on your face. If you massage it in well and then rinse it off, you can rinse away a lot of dirt. After rinsing, you can choose to switch to a double cleaning and wash with a water-based cleaner.

Which cleanser suits my skin type?

This depends on what your skin really needs. But general rule remains as above. Every skin type, including oily and especially impure skin, benefits from an oil-based cleanser as a first step.

Of course you can look a little more specifically here. If you have very dry skin, choose an already nourishing oil cleanser such as the Holi (Cleanse) from Agent Nateur or the Kalahari Cleansing Oil from Evolve, the Hydra Restore Cream Cleanser from Grown Alchemist is also a favorite here.

If you are more likely to have impure skin, the Amazing Oil Cleanser from RainPharma or Nourishing Cleansing Oil from Maiwe is certainly a good option. If you have impure skin, be sure to double cleanse with, for example, the Daily Detox Facial Wash from Evolve or the Purifying Cream Cleanser from Maiwe. .

If you have sensitive skin, go for a mild but thorough cleansing such as the Face Cleanser from Alex Carro or the Gentle Cleansing Melt from Evolve.

Should I cleanse in the morning and evening?

This depends on many factors. Above all, do what suits you best. But here we give you an idea of ​​what cleansing twice a day can do for your skin:

You can take a lighter approach to your morning cleansing if you do not have severely impure skin. But during the night your skin is exposed to more pollution than you think. You sweat a lot, which pushes toxins from within to the surface. Your pillow (unless you change it every day) is full of bacteria that remain on your skin, and don't forget the saliva because we all drool in our sleep sometimes. So it is definitely a good idea to gently cleanse your skin in the morning before applying your care.

Your evening cleansing can always be a little more extensive. In the evening we need to wash off all the pollution from the whole day from our skin. And that can mean a lot: your make-up, UV protection, pollution, fine dust, air conditioning, your hands that touch your face very often and therefore leave behind everything that is on them, ... If you do not remove this properly, it can you will soon have to deal with skin problems.